Stance Ring Crafting?
Too much Japanese to digest, will try to translate later >_>;

Failed translation.

Ring Box is available in cash shop and feso shop.
Stance Rings are very sought after and can be found in Ring Boxes (permanent) or rented for 30 days in feso shop.
However to a regular joe player it seems tht these stance rings are next to impossible to get.
Coz ya know they cost like 1500won for each Ring Box.

On Jan 6 09 there was an event involving discounts for cash items which included Ring Boxes.

[Approximately 36% discount!]

Then a bunch of whine I can't decipher (wow high discount! lol nerfed rate? am i gonna spend more in the end spamming for stance rings?)

Now the juicy bits:
You could break those useless ring on the anvil and get some useless jewel pieces...
Blah blah I don't understand something to do with "black oxide".
You get a free ring box after collection some materials?

I dont get it.... /wrist >_>


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